مطالب مشابه

یک نظر

  1. یک پسریگانه

    function placeItems(sp:Point,ep:Point,pp:Point):void
    var mp:Point = new Point(0,0);
    mp.x = Math.floor((ep.x+sp.x)/2);
    mp.y = Math.floor((ep.y+sp.y)/2);
    if(sp.x!= ep.x sp.y != ep.y)
    if(pp.x <= mp.x && pp.y mp.x && pp.y <= mp.y)
    chessMark2(new Point(mp.x,mp.y+1),4);
    placeItems(new Point(sp.x,sp.y),new Point(mp.x,mp.y),new Point(mp.x,mp.y));
    placeItems(new Point(sp.x,mp.y+1),new Point(mp.x,ep.y),new Point(mp.x,mp.y+1));
    placeItems(new Point(mp.x+1,mp.y+1),new Point(ep.x,ep.y),new Point(mp.x+1,mp.y+1));

    placeItems(new Point(mp.x+1,sp.y),new Point(ep.x,mp.y),new Point(pp.x,pp.y));
    else if(pp.x mp.y)
    chessMark2(new Point(mp.x+1,mp.y),2);
    placeItems(new Point(sp.x,sp.y),new Point(mp.x,mp.y),new Point(mp.x,mp.y));
    placeItems(new Point(mp.x+1,sp.y),new Point(ep.x,mp.y),new Point(mp.x+1,mp.y));
    placeItems(new Point(mp.x+1,mp.y+1),new Point(ep.x,ep.y),new Point(mp.x+1,mp.y+1));

    placeItems(new Point(sp.x,mp.y+1),new Point(mp.x,ep.y),new Point(pp.x,pp.y));
    else if(pp.x > mp.x && pp.y > mp.y)
    chessMark2(new Point(mp.x,mp.y),1);
    placeItems(new Point(sp.x,sp.y),new Point(mp.x,mp.y),new Point(mp.x,mp.y));
    placeItems(new Point(mp.x+1,sp.y),new Point(ep.x,mp.y),new Point(mp.x+1,mp.y));
    placeItems(new Point(sp.x,mp.y+1),new Point(mp.x,ep.y),new Point(mp.x,mp.y+1));

    placeItems(new Point(mp.x+1,mp.y+1),new Point(ep.x,ep.y),new Point(pp.x,pp.y));
    1 // Fig. 17.22: DrawStarsForm.cs
    2 // Using paths to draw stars on the form.
    3 using System;
    4 using System.Drawing;
    5 using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
    6 using System.Windows.Forms;
    8 // draws randomly colored stars
    9 public partial class DrawStarsForm : Form
    10 {
    11 // default constructor
    12 public DrawStarsForm()
    13 {
    14 InitializeComponent();
    15 } // end constructor
    17 // create path and draw stars along it
    18 private void DrawStarsForm_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
    19 {
    20 Graphics graphicsObject = e.Graphics;
    21 Random random = new Random();
    22 SolidBrush brush =
    23 new SolidBrush( Color.DarkMagenta );
    25 // x and y points of the path
    26 int[] xPoints =
    27 { 55, 67, 109, 73, 83, 55, 27, 37, 1, 43 };
    28 int[] yPoints =
    29 { 0, 36, 36, 54, 96, 72, 96, 54, 36, 36 };
    31 // create graphics path for star;
    32 GraphicsPath star = new GraphicsPath();
    34 // create star from series of points
    35 for ( int i = 0; i <= 8; i += 2 )
    36 star.AddLine( xPoints[ i ], yPoints[ i ],
    37 xPoints[ i + 1 ], yPoints[ i + 1 ] );
    39 // close the shape
    40 star.CloseFigure();
    42 // translate the origin to (150, 150)
    43 graphicsObject.TranslateTransform( 150, 150 );
    45 // rotate the origin and draw stars in random colors
    46 for ( int i = 1; i <= 18; i++ )
    47 {
    48 graphicsObject.RotateTransform( 20 );
    50 brush.Color = Color.FromArgb(
    51 random.Next( 200, 255 ), random.Next( 255 ),
    52 random.Next( 255 ), random.Next( 255 ) );
    54 graphicsObject.FillPath( brush, star );
    55 } // end for
    56 } // end method DrawStarsForm_Paint
    57 } // end class DrawStarsForm
    1 // Fig. 17.21: DrawShapes.cs
    2 // Drawing various shapes on a Form.
    3 using System;
    4 using System.Drawing;
    5 using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
    6 using System.Windows.Forms;
    8 // draws shapes with different brushes
    9 public partial class DrawShapesForm : Form
    10 {
    11 // default constructor
    12 public DrawShapesForm()
    13 {
    14 InitializeComponent();
    15 } // end constructor
    17 // draw various shapes on Form
    18 private void DrawShapesForm_Paint( object sender, PaintEventArgs e )
    19 {
    20 // references to object we will use
    21 Graphics graphicsObject = e.Graphics;
    23 // ellipse rectangle and gradient brush
    24 Rectangle drawArea1 = new Rectangle( 5, 35, 30, 100 );
    25 LinearGradientBrush linearBrush =
    26 new LinearGradientBrush ( drawArea1, Color.Blue,
    27 Color.Yellow, LinearGradientMode.ForwardDiagonal );
    29 // draw ellipse filled with a blue-yellow gradient
    30 graphicsObject.FillEllipse( linearBrush, 5, 30, 65, 100 );
    32 // pen and location for red outline rectangle
    33 Pen thickRedPen = new Pen( Color.Red, 10 );
    34 Rectangle drawArea2 = new Rectangle( 80, 30, 65, 100 );
    36 // draw thick rectangle outline in red
    37 graphicsObject.DrawRectangle( thickRedPen, drawArea2 );
    39 // bitmap texture
    40 Bitmap textureBitmap = new Bitmap( 10, 10 );
    42 // get bitmap graphics
    43 Graphics graphicsObject2 =
    44 Graphics.FromImage( textureBitmap );
    46 // brush and pen used throughout program
    47 SolidBrush solidColorBrush =
    48 new SolidBrush( Color.Red );
    49 Pen coloredPen = new Pen( solidColorBrush );
    51 // fill textureBitmap with yellow
    52 solidColorBrush.Color = Color.Yellow;
    53 graphicsObject2.FillRectangle( solidColorBrush, 0, 0, 10, 10 );
    55 // draw small black rectangle in textureBitmap
    56 coloredPen.Color = Color.Black;
    57 graphicsObject2.DrawRectangle( coloredPen, 1, 1, 6, 6 );
    59 // draw small blue rectangle in textureBitmap
    60 solidColorBrush.Color = Color.Blue;
    61 graphicsObject2.FillRectangle( solidColorBrush, 1, 1, 3, 3 );
    63 // draw small red square in textureBitmap
    64 solidColorBrush.Color = Color.Red;
    65 graphicsObject2.FillRectangle( solidColorBrush, 4, 4, 3, 3 );
    67 // create textured brush and
    68 // display textured rectangle
    69 TextureBrush texturedBrush =
    70 new TextureBrush( textureBitmap );
    71 graphicsObject.FillRectangle( texturedBrush, 155, 30, 75, 100 );
    73 // draw pie-shaped arc in white
    74 coloredPen.Color = Color.White;
    75 coloredPen.Width = 6;
    76 graphicsObject.DrawPie( coloredPen, 240, 30, 75, 100, 0, 270 );
    78 // draw lines in green and yellow
    79 coloredPen.Color = Color.Green;
    80 coloredPen.Width = 5;
    81 graphicsObject.DrawLine( coloredPen, 395, 30, 320, 150 );
    83 // draw a rounded, dashed yellow line
    84 coloredPen.Color = Color.Yellow;
    85 coloredPen.DashCap = DashCap.Round;
    86 coloredPen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
    87 graphicsObject.DrawLine( coloredPen, 320, 30, 395,v150 );
    88 } // end method DrawShapesForm_Paint
    89 } // end class DrawShapesForm

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